Innovageous is excited to release our new Educator's Toolkit on Supporting Students and Ourselves! This Interactive Toolkit is a result of the Cross-School Teacher Resource Groups that took place this summer. Over a dozen educators from six Philadelphia schools curated and shared resources on (1)Teacher Self-Care, (2) Social-Emotional Learning & Trauma Informed Practices, and (3) Assessment for Student Progress & Differentiation. These resources have been organized and integrated into this easy to use Educator's Toolkit that is now available for all educators. You can read more in an introductory letter from participating educator's here.
The Cross-School Teacher Resource Groups were created by Innovageous and Spire Leadership as a result of the Heads Together Conference in Fall 2020. In collaboration with the School District of Philadelphia, funding was secured through Catalyst:Ed’s Resilient Schools Fund to establish a pilot program. The pilot included 6 schools (charter, district, and parochial) and 14 educators who came together for six hours during the summer to discuss, troubleshoot, and share ideas for addressing some of the most prominent needs in the 2021-22 school year. The results of their work together are organized within this toolkit for use by educators across Philadelphia!
You can access the resources through this direct link to the Educator's Resources Toolkit (best for mobile viewing).
Or you can directly explore the Toolkit below!